Right now, you’re probably paying for someone to maintain your computer network and you may have hired a consultant to deal with your HIPAA compliance. What if there was a way for you to complete both these tasks at a fraction of the cost then if they were done individually? San Diego HIT was founded by John A Zanazzi, after seeing the lack of good HIPAA complaint support for dentists.
The main premise behind San Diego HIT is that IT support that is also HIPAA complaint does not have to be more expensive. In fact, it is more economical. Regular Maintenance on Dental IT and computer systems will save the Practice money. This will make the practice’s network more stable and secure in turn saving the practice money and reducing the risk of data breaches and HIPAA violations.But we also know that technical issues, can cause your practice to stop (costing you money), we respond quickly and efficiently to fix all your technical issues FAST, in a HIPAA complaint solution.

Our services, (all performed in a HIPAA compliant method)

  • Emergency Dental Network Support
  • Installation and optimization of Dental Practice management software
  • Trouble shoot Physical Wiring Connections
  • Remote and onsite HIPAA Security Training
  • Managed HIPAA Compliant Service
  • Backup and Disaster Recovery
  • Managed Security and Firewalls
  • Management of Business Associates
  • Encrypted Emails
  • Virus and Malware removal

As a perspective customer, we’d like to offer Dentists a FREE 27-Point Network Health Check (a $300 Value) at www.sandiegohit.com/audit


(619) 600-6865
